
Mitch Williams Demo Video
Demo video for international award winning sleight of hand artist and corporate, entertainer, Mitch Williams. See the type of astounding results you can get for your events.

Peoria Journal Star Profile
A profile on Mitch on “River City Roundup”, a regular feature on Peoria Journal Star’s website.

Rave Reviews for Mitch
Testimonials from Mitch’s clients and fans.

Mind Reading and Intuition on TV
Watch as Mitch blows the minds of hosts Garry and Nick with some incredible mental magic on WEEK-TV’s 25 News Today program.

Band of Gold
Mitch’s poignant and inspiring vignette in which his wedding band floats in mid-air as a testament to the power of love.

Imagination and Magical Fun on TV
Another winning TV spot with hosts Gina and Semone having fun and being blown away.
Mics Uncut--in depth interview
In this 22 minute interview, just released for Season 3 of the underground ‘arts and influencers’ TV program, Mics Uncut, with Ahavah MaurĂ©, Mitch talks about his experiences as a performing artist, author, and inspirational speaker.